Saturday, February 13, 2010

Fremantle Markets - May be time for a tax audit?

A couple of interesting pieces from the Catalyse Survey, Council commissioned in the months before the lease was signed. Notice on the Intro page the Murdoch’s were uncooperative, not just to the survey company but also the Council, about releasing stallholders details - no surprises there.

The "suggestions" on page 2 reads like a Council list of "What should we ignore".

Introduction and research method

Under the terms of the Local Government Act 1995, should a Council be proposing to dispose a property with a transaction value over $1,000,000 then the sale is classified as a “Major Land Transaction”. Before entering into a Major Land Transaction the Council must first prepare a Business Plan, advertise the availability of the Business Plan for comment and then consider any submissions received in relation to the proposed transaction.
In September 2007 the City of Fremantle released an updated Business Plan for public comment.

In February 2008 CATALYSE was commissioned to conduct an independent research study among stallholders to determine levels of awareness and support for the Business Plan.

The study was designed by CATALYSE and administered by the ECU Survey Research Centre using Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews (CAT)
On request from the Market Managers, all interviewing was conducted between Monday 18February and Wednesday 20 February, 2008.

Stallholders’ details were sourced at (broken link)

- Additional contact information was supplied from the Fremantle Markets’ Stallholders Association, and from current and past Stallholders.
-While the City of Fremantle requested an up-to-date list of Stallholders from the current Market Managers, and also sought permission from the Market Managers to conduct an audit of stallholders to update contact details, both requests were refused. (WHY?)

111 stallholders completed a survey (from 146 contacts in the database.
- 21 contacts were unobtainable during the study period (incorrect details / called more than 10 times with no contact / etc)
- 14 stallholders were unable to participate (too ill) or refused.
- Of those who completed the survey, 86 were permanent and 25 were casual stallholders.

Survey data as received by CATALYSE and analysed using SPSS. To protect the privacy of individual participants, we only presented anonymous and aggregated responses in this report, individual survey responses are not released to the City of Fremantle, nor any other parties.

Strategic Insights

-Given that the new Business Plan affects all stallholders in Fremantle Markets, it is concerning that 1 in 5 stallholders surveyed have not read or heard others talking about the new plan
-When changes in the new Business Plan were tested among all respondents, the study revealed that there is majority support for the five year leases and for disputes to be handles through the State Administrative Tribunal.
-While most stallholders (68%) would like the City of Fremantle representatives to be included in the Work Group, a large minority (23%) oppose the involvement of the City of Fremantle in this group.
-Just over half the stallholders rated the performance of the current Market Managers as quite good or very good.
-Among those who have read or heard others talking about the Business Plan, many (64%) would be happy for the City of Fremantle to enter into a new lease with the current Market Managers.
- However, it should be noted that a large minority, 1 in 4 stallholders (27%) are NOT happy for the City of Fremantle to enter into a new lease with the current Market Managers.
-Furthermore, 24% of stallholders who participated in the study rated the performance of the current Market Managers as quite poor or very poor: 18% said performance was only ‘just acceptable’.

To address stallholders concern, consider the following suggestions:

-Consult the Fremantle Markets Stallholders association about the new Business Plan
-Include the Market Managers and representatives from both the City of Fremantle and the Fremantle Markets stallholders Association in the Working Group
- Agree on rules / guidelines for 1) setting and managing rent increases 2) tenure (including the location / relocation of sites) and 3) selling / purchasing stalls
-Consult stallholders about changing / extending trading hours for Fremantle Markets
- Improve the way the markets are managed (including greater transparency and fairness with decision –making, improved professionalism and better communication with stallholders)

My take:
None of the above concerns or suggestions have been taken seriously or implemented.

Why, with all the accountancy background of the Murdoch’s, would there be no complete or accurate database of stallholder contact details? Why has council not insisted that there should be one? Perhaps the ATO should do a thorough investigation on the record keeping at Freo markets; what other vital statistics are missing?

In light of the support in this study, might I refer you back to the letter sent out to stallholders by the Murdoch’s, asking for backing and making promises that persuaded stallholders to back them. You will clearly see why the stallholders and council now feel so betrayed.

Or, how about repeating the study Now.

For the latest post:

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shame no one brought this up at Freo's annual meeting of electors:

2:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jamie has now employed a mentor/consultant to help fix the mess that has been created. Can he teach them that ethics, integrity and fairness is an integral part of a healthy business?

6:48 PM  
Blogger Editor said...

That's a pretty big ask. Maybe we could just start with being open to other opinions. If they stop blaming others and take time to listen that would be a good start. Can this guy be objective and influential or is he being put in place to 'nice up' their PR. Will he survey only those that are directed by management?
Does the nature of the beast ever change or does the beast learn to disguise it's nature to fool his prey?

7:13 AM  
Blogger Editor said...

I guess your point is that no one from Freo Markets showed up at the councils electors meeting. Well, as you can see by the above post, none of those recommendations where even considered even though the survey was commissioned and paid for by the council. Throughout this blog you will find that one councillor stated that he didn’t have time to read through all of the letters sent in protest of the Murdoch’s being given the lease. Ex mayor Tagliaferri became known as “the Mirror Mayor” because he usually answered our questions with “I’ll look into it” and not only did he not get back to anyone but he stopped showing up at the meetings. Emails were left without replies and phone calls not returned. Stallholders attended many meeting and pleaded for help. One meeting was so crowded with angry stallholders that the room couldn’t hold them and many were left out in the foyer. Cr Donna Haney called for a special meeting to sort things out but only six other councillors attended; one was so indifferent and antagonistic that he was booed by the crowd. Two public rallies have been staged, endless media attention, a new mayor suggesting everyone should get over it, more than fifty people have been forced out and the stallholder’s spokespeople have been evicted.

Why would anyone bother to show up at a council meeting?
Stallholder’s aside, I think the council had better ask why there is was only one person in the entire city who bothered to show up and ask a question. It certainly says more about the council than it does about stallholders.

And, why the hell are stallholders still even trying to fix up this mess. It is a council issue; a community issue.

Think about Cantonment Hill; hasn’t that taken council more than a decade to resolve? What about the Carriage Café; I have no idea of the personal costs but I can imagine the frustration of Kel Smith and the time and effort involved in collecting 13,000 signatures just to get some council attention.

I do believe that Mayor Pettitt had better take on board that, like customers leaving the market, people vote with their feet.

1:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An interesting take on Fremantle:

7:55 PM  

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