Wednesday, October 28, 2009

John and Jamie Murdoch - Retail 101

“The Fremantle Market is one of the key elements to the growth of Fremantle and an integral part of the local community providing various social and economic benefits.”

The above quote is just another example of the delusional statements made by the Murdoch management. Their ‘key elements to the growth of Fremantle’ should be compared to the growth of a melanoma. Regular visitors and long term stall holders have complained bitterly all year about the decline of the markets; the loss of soul, loss of customers, loss of livelihood, loss of businesses and traders and loss of goodwill.

Fremantle council meetings were filled beyond capacity as angry stall holders’ and their supporters pleaded with the mayor to undo or redo the lease with the Murdoch’s. A public rally was also held outside town hall to encourage council to ‘evict the Murdoch’s’

Is that what they meant by ‘an integral part of the community’?

Many speakers told stories of intimidation, desperation, loss of livelihood, insecure tenure and the sadness and shock of seeing their much loved and respected Richard Murphy being evicted. Richard had been their spokesperson, articulating professionally and calmly THEIR voices.

Most spoke of being crippled by high rents and as many as thirty businesses had to walk away as it was no longer financially viable to continue. Many of these people had paid many thousands of dollars for specific stall spaces, but were unable to sell out due to their inability to secure a long-term secure lease.

Would that be the social and economic benefits referred to in the above quote? No, economic benefit is a one way street and that street runs a truck load of money to the doors of the Murdoch kingdom.

Many of the stall holders have had their stalls downsized or relocated to inferior or inappropriate positions. New traders have been bought in and are in direct competition with others. Apart from massive rent hikes, many new administrative charges and costs have been introduced as well as some stalls having to re-equip or re-fit their shops.

Their grand vision and media hype about the ‘New Wednesday Growers Market’ contradicted their previous promises about trading hours. They grossly exaggerated its viability and it badly impacted on the rest of the markets. They talked it up with statements like ‘food from heaven’.

It ended up being a complete embarrassment and a total flop. It was a small, dark, dingy collection of trestle tables, selling nothing more than common grocery items. AS PREDICTED. The gourmet cheese and wine tastings were pathetic and the celebrity chef cooking school was akin to watching a bloke cooking a barby in any local picnic area.

Sadly, the twenty or so vendors who believed in the Murdoch propaganda have lost whatever costs they incurred and have become the new collateral damage at the Fremantle Markets. True to form, the Murdoch’s statement about the closure of the Wednesday market completely dismisses the abysmal failure and they were recently quoted as saying that it was “A successful trial”.

“Mr Murdoch, did you ever tell the press, the community or the vendors that the Wednesday growers market was a TRIAL?

Would you please define successful?

Your trial lasted about 6 weeks. Each week saw less customers and less stalls and finally it simply snuffed out. The traders have done their dough and you are in denial. I am not the first to say “I told you so,” nor will I be alone in saying Ha ha!

And now for your further edification, let me address your preposterous claims about local artists and craftspeople:

So far, you have lost most of the great crafts-people you already had. As they have pointed out, they can’t afford those rents. Also, most of the work they do is done from home in workshops. They might retail on the weekend but they work and create throughout the week. Your vision of having potters, ironworkers and artist working on site is simply another example of ignorance. Why not do the unthinkable and actually ASK those people what they require?

Let me give you just one example:

A potter works with wet clay. The wet clay takes days to dry and can not be moved or relocated – it is very fragile. The pieces then need to be baked in a big oven called a kiln. Do you expect a casual potter to bring down their wheel, tools and kiln each week or will they need to pay for a massive space and set up a permanent stall? My estimate is that such a potter would need to turn over a couple of thousand dollars a week just to cover the costs. How do they sell the pottery with their arms up to the elbow in mud?

Why not speak with a welder before you encourage ironwork on site. Ask a glassblower about trestle tables and Fremantle winds. Ask a dressmaker how she will fit, draft and sew a frock while serving her customers. I notice on one of the newsletters a suggestion to demonstrate sheep shearing. Now that’s probably worth serious consideration…

I know you will take offense at what I am saying. You will probably run this by the legal team. You seem to interpret constructive criticism as possible defamation, but wait and think…

You have forked out a bomb on market research, legal advice, advertising, additional office staff, security, evaluations, PR and loss of time in disputes and conflict. Your reputation is sullied and your working environment is toxic, hostile and stressful. Do the unthinkable – just listen and put the ego back in its cage for a minute.

I am not trying to attack you, I am simply pushing you to step up and be a leader. The Stall Holders are not employees; they are savvy, experienced business men and woman. Many have been trading successfully there for more than ten years. This in itself is evidence that they know their demographic and are catering to it.

Richard Murphy and Colin Wright have not been your enemies and have never tried to be adversarial or counter-productive. Both were elected to speak on behalf of the Stall Holders in view of fair treatment, market improvement and ongoing success. Both these men have been supported and endorsed by the collective. You have victimized and persecuted them!

Richard Murphy had one of the nicest and most patronised stalls in the market. Colin and Marilyn Wright's shop is arguably the best stall there; bringing regular repeat custom and they have over twenty years experience.

Mark Scott, Richard Murphy and Colin Wright have mentored so many and have acted freely and generously in holding a large section together; acting as spokes-people, settling disputes, supporting new traders and bringing competitors together to compliment each other.

These three men have sat and consoled crying and distressed stallholders, arbitrated and resolved conflicts, advised, supported, mentored, encouraged and advocated of their own accord; for no reasons other than decency and caring. Not one of them has been paid to do these things, but God only knows how much time, money and grief they have saved you in taking on this position. Most of this went unmentioned and certainly unrewarded.

These guys are worth a thousand Annie Meyers’ who seems to live in her ‘happy place’ and quotes facts and figures like little tom-thumb crackers. Is she there to feed you or is she just an apron to hide behind? We’ve all heard what she says, but what has she actually done?

I mention these three men specifically, but I also call your attention to the many that believed in you, supported you and championed your bid on the new lease. Without naming names, I remind you that you wiped the floor with them and continue to ruin them. Why?

There is a wealth of knowledge there from the front line and the common interest is to maintain and improve what works. The hay days of the market were the result of minimal interference from management. Every stall has a vested interest in doing well and to be successful; they need to know their business, their product and their customers. Why do you disregard knowledge and experience in favour of external market research or Annie’s magic wand and fairy bread or Tagliaferri’s self-interests?

Your need for control and structure is interfering with the natural ecology of the market. It has always been the eclectic mix that worked. Departmentalising the markets takes away the free flow and the leisurely browsing which encourages impulse buying. The markets are an exhibition or an entertainment - not a snatch and grab venue. Vendors used to compliment each other and feed off each other, but now you are creating competition and aggravation.

You need to encourage people to wander the full circuit, not direct them in and out in the shortest possible time. This is not a hardware store. This is also why the markets work as a week-end business and why other retail functions mid-week. You can’t have it both ways – stick with what works.

One of the best things about the way things were is that the blend of aromas and sounds created atmosphere. The smell of coffee beans led gently through to fresh bread and then incense or mangoes. Now with all the food being compressed you have garlic, sausage, fruit, ice-cream etc and everything fusing into an obnoxious stench.

The spaced music of the cd shop, the bar, buskers, meditation and other genres worked very well, but now there is an irritating din creating a stressful noise. Most of the excellent buskers are now outside the market and in the mall – no longer at Freo Markets.

You are pushing to exclude merchandise made in China or other such countries but your understanding on this is quite ignorant. China, India, Taiwan and other such countries are the manufacturing Mecca’s of the world. Most of your so called designer label products are imported from these countries. In recent years, most western manufacturing has gone offshore and it will continue to do so. Get real, be discerning and get yourself educated. Again, talk with the guys on the ground – you must.

Obviously the markets can do without tacky junk but you fail to understand that there is a huge demand for bargains; cheap T-shirts, sunglasses and $2 bits and pieces are as valid as anything else. No one goes the market to buy Vuitton or Prada. Do you have any idea about your demographic?

Closing down half the market on Friday evening is ludicrous. It’s one of the busiest trading times of the week. You don’t seem to fathom how embarrassing and insane that was. Chasing customers out of an establishment has never been written into the retail act, simply because, no retailer other than you, would have ever considered such a thing.

Retail 101 – Don’t yell at customers to F…Off.

Seriously, you have been pathetic, cruel and vindictive. Unless you get back into the drivers seat and work with the people who matter you will destroy the markets and be shamed out of town. No one wants you to fail and perhaps you don’t like the teacher, but at least be smart enough to learn the lesson.

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Blogger Unknown said...


2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bureaucracy gone mad alright. These people (Murdochs) are a complete and utter joke. They must not be able to get away with what appears to be out and out political and financial bullying. The stallholders deserve a fair go and the council is playing ostrich.
Surely the masses should have a voice. The stall holders and their supporters have obviously lobbyed hard and made council aware of their grievances, but alas they fall upon deaf (or well oiled) ears. Shame on you Fremantle Council, Shame on you Murdoch's for destroying what was once the heart and soul of the Port City. Shame Shame Shame

2:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Colin Wright has helped me through the most stressful time in my life.
I have been forced into walking away and into debt.
If it wasn't for Colin's support I believe I would have had a complete nervous breakdown.
Still....there IS life outside of the Markets, and although I am deep in debt, I am happy to be free of the stressful turmoil of the Fremantle Markets

2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

2:09 PM  
Blogger Editor said...

Although your comment was true and funny I have deleted it for your own protection. I have seen in the Murdoch's a vindictiveness that makes me think that they are capable of anything.

I am getting word in at the moment that they have issued "Christmas Evictions".

Strategically executed I am sure, knowing that December is the busiest trade month of the year. I guess they waited for businesses to invest heavily in Christmas stock so their losses will be that much greater. Is it just nother act of bullying; creating more resentment, anger and devestation. Why?
I can't imagine how it must feel to be so reviled.

9:48 AM  

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