Saturday, February 20, 2010

John and Jamie Murdoch - Too many Chiefs and not enough Indians

I wonder if this guy will work out that the rents and high costs have killed the markets? (Probably too simple.)
I wonder if this guy will see that the markets have become a food hall and no longer hold appeal to people from outer suburbia or the tourist industry? (Not even the locals are returning)
I wonder if he will feel the resentment and disrespect that the Murdoch’s have created?

Will he:
Crunch the numbers on the futility of mid-week opening. (It’s guaranteed rent increase for the Murdoch’s but pure loss for the stallholders)
Check the authenticity of the outgoing costs or take seriously the expertise of the stallholder?
Can he work with the Murdoch’s blind resistance to the idea that costs and stallholders concerns are vitally significant?
Will he be ‘directed’ to conduct his surveys to come up ‘within the range’ of possibility.
Can people speak candidly and anonymously or will they be intimidated into saying what they need to say to appease their rulers.
Will he acknowledge the contribution and value of long term (and evicted) stallholders?
Will he study the lease agreements – secure both parties?

Maybe he is just another expert being paid big bucks to write yet another biased justification for the filing system. How many experts does it take? And is this where the ‘advertising’ fees are being absorbed?

I heard that one guy, when asked how he viewed the markets and the management, went into a tirade of its all F…ed

And is he just another Ms M or is this the end of her?

For the latest post:

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought it was interesting (and disturbing) that Brad Pettit seemingly dismissed the notion of an alternative market in the Pine Warehouse building as a bad idea as they already run King's Square at a LOSS of $77,000 a year(Fremantle Herald 20/2). Who would have thought the prospect of generating income for the council rather than losing it was such a bad idea? The ratepayers of Fremantle must be thrilled with this type of financial management.

1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the same article it was also pointed out that Mr Flottman's motive and big pay off for a market close by is that there will be more customers in Old Shanghai. How dare he? We don't want more people in the area we apparently want less. The lengths that the council are going to to try and protect their embarrassing deal with the Murdoch's are endless. Pettitt even has the nerve to suggest their may not be a demand for a low cost market. Tell that to the endless procession of stallholders buckling under the weight of their new low cost environment. What a joker!

1:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr.Jeff Ovens of Footy Commisssion fame was seen baking up a recipe with Jamie Murdoch the other day...maybe he is the super mentor who can; leap discarded stallholders in a single bound, change the course of useless management, who's faster than a greedy accountant and who must be scratching his nut and wondering why these two geniuses (with a little help from Lil'Ms.Muffet)
could take the best market in Australia and turn it into crap. Good luck Jeff and when you finish there can you come over to Enron and work your magic .

1:42 PM  
Blogger Editor said...

Perhaps Lewis Carroll can explain this perplexity. Fremantle has fallen through the portals of a mirror and what was up is down and what was good is bad and what was right is wrong. It does seem pretty likely then that profit should become loss and success should become failure.

Perhaps the gown and necklace are meant for things greater than dancing in front of the bedroom mirror.

1:59 PM  

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