Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Media hype and fear

I had to laugh this morning watching the news on TV. A reporter was paddling a canoe as the newsman reported how bad the flooding was. Two men then entered the frame and walked past; obviously the water level was not more than one inch deep.

It reminded me of another report I saw not long ago; they were talking about the threat of war in East Timor and said to the guy in charge of 'peace keeping' something about his life being in danger and the fact that two armed guards were standing behind him. I admired him looking straight into the camera and stating that the shows producers had insisted that they stand there to give the story more impact. He was firm and direct in saying he did not feel afraid or under threat and that everything was well under control.

We keep hearing about lose of jobs and lose of money. We never hear about how money is changing hands and some jobs are becoming redundant or downsized while others are being invented and created. The emphasis is always about the lose of... let's look at the changes evolving. The world has been crazy, things have been unsustainable for a long time and things needed to change. There are better ways and better days ahead. Now is the time to be looking ahead. Doors close and new doors open. Sometimes we are held up in the corridors and panic needlessly.

For such a long time now we have all been trying to keep pace in a fast world of greed, corruption, stress, materialism and fear. We all want peace and prosperity and health and love and community. It's now a perfect time to allow the old ways to drop and reinvent the entire system. I see leaders coming into place, with big hearts and a passion for a healthy planet. Lies are being exposed and accountability is now being put under lights. Things appear to be collapsing but its only because things are changing.

Life now is chaotic and confusing for so many. Mostly because they only see what they are told to look for. Few people remember to look for truth and beauty. Those who do will always find it. I hope you are laughing as you observe the antics of life unfolding around you.

Life is beautiful and having life is a privilege - let's not forget that.


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