Saturday, February 21, 2009

Proud to be an Aussie

I have never felt so proud to be an Australian as I have this week. The gut wrenching tragedy of the Victorian bushfires has had us all holding our breath in stunned shock. Even as I write today the fires are still burning and the devastation continues. So much has been lost, almost two hundred lives and still counting; animals, homes, livelihoods, fauna and flora, communities and history.

I think it took a day or two before we realized just how huge it was or how far reaching and complex it would be. Thank God it was a Saturday and all the children were not in schools which were all burned to the ground. Many people were at home and at least had some chance at getting out or being able to assist or protect to some degree. They say it was the worst disaster in Australia’s history outside of war.

Of course there is outrage within the country as we learn that the fires were deliberately lit and looters have been targeting the victims. It’s incomprehensible that evil feeds off the pain of it all.

But, out of the ashes comes something so awe inspiring that it makes me realize even more that the heart of man is still the greatest healing power in the Universe. The power of one mans kindness, a gentle touch, a shared water bottle, an extra hours work, a song or a ball game. These seemingly insignificant things all come together in ways that reconnect the collective soul of humanity.

Sometimes the world appears to be so chaotic; harsh and cruel and tragic. Sometimes I wonder if the world really is a place of struggle and heartache. There is always so much in the media about the ugly side of things and it’s so easy to believe that that is what life is now.

It’s interesting to step back and look at this tragedy as a reflection of where we are on a world scale as well. There were a few evil people acting out whatever that was, thousands of others were destroyed and devastated but millions and millions raced in to help and heal. I think it’s important to acknowledge this as its too overwhelming to focus only on the evil or ugly aspects of life.

Diabolical things do happen and evil people do exist and we will never understand how or why that is. But, in real numbers or on the world stage we do need to keep things in perspective. The human spirit is indestructible and the heart of man is brave and compassionate. It is within us to love, heal, help and feel and I think now more than ever the silent majority are stepping up.

Recent years have seen so much destruction and hatred and greed. I think we have all been a little overwhelmed and afraid and perhaps sat back a little too long feeling helpless and small. But, what I have seen in the Tsunami, 911, Katrina, the terrorism, financial collapse and the environmental issues and all the other atrocities is that the people are beginning to rise and reunite.

It’s the beginning of 2009 and the world has shifted and changed dramatically. Everything is coming to a head and although it looks a bit like a boil about to erupt I do believe that it’s just the poison being lifted up and out and the healing has begun.
I don’t believe that the world is worse than before. I believe we have a sharper spotlight on it and are more aware of it and that makes it appear to be more than before. Deceit, lies and destruction are being exposed and we will no longer wait for others to fix things. We, the power of one, are coming together like never before. Sonya Green


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