Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Fremantle Markets - Ann Meyer and grand visions

Ann Meyer put people offside right from the beginning. Another business was reduced in size to make way for her coffee shop. She moved someone else’s stock from the coolroom and took over that space; the tenant left the market because of that shabby treatment and the newly announced rental increases.

Soon after, Ann introduced herself as the new Business Development Manager. People came out of her introductory meeting seething with anger. She took a hard line and said she was not there to talk about the past or problems or to answer questions. Basically it was “I’m here to speak and you are here to listen”. That was incredibly insensitive considering that the stallholders had just heard of the rental increases and felt betrayed and afraid.

It was generally understood that the Murdoch brothers had employed her to avoid the angry conflict that was festering; she was now the ‘go to guy’ and the Murdoch’s referred everything back to her. She was generally disrespected and disliked and many of the changes she instigated had dire effect on previously well run, successful businesses.

No one has ever mentioned a good idea that Ann Meyer implemented but there are many accounts of extreme chagrin at the detrimental changes she has made. What enflames everyone most of all, is that she over-rides experience, logical argument and even obvious facts by quoting or stressing her research. She is often mimicked with statements like, according to my survey, my data says, our market research, due to customer demand…

Her coffee shop was taken over by her daughter. There has been a lot said about ‘conflict of interest and nepotism’ and a lot of animosity has brewed as the daughter took over prime positioning and other advantages.

What I find most interesting about this shop is that it should reflect the validity of Ann’s qualifications and must be an example of how a shop should be run and how successful a shop can be according to the management’s expertise, positive attitude, qualified research and visions of their 21st century innovation. One would think that this shop would be a prototype for all others to aspire to – wouldn’t one?

Without even going into the fact that the coffee shop is for sale and everyone is really angry that a casual stall is for sale, when permanent stalls can’t sell and are being walked away from, let’s compare advantages and disadvantages.

The first point is that not only is this a casual stall which has only operated a little more than a year but the sale comes with an exclusive right to take over a permanent shop which has never even been occupied by the girl. The previous owner was ousted after paying around $30,000 for only ½ the space. He has recently walked away with nothing. How is it that his shop becomes her asset?

This might make her sale look more secure or more appealing but on closer inspection a potential buyer would find that that space needs to be fitted out and equipped according to regulations. I would estimate they would be looking at another $50,000 to do that.

Currently the girl is in a casual location of 3X3 metres. If you put a table at the front and side that gives you enough space to work in equivalent to a baby’s playpen. The rent on this little space is $100 per day. If the buyer takes on the permanent shop it is probably triple that size so I assume it would be at least double that rent.

The casual 3X3 shop is for sale for $20,000neg. If you take on the permanent shop your outlay would be around $70,000 plus rent around $600 per weekend. My figures are rough of course, but close enough for this estimation I am sure.

According to the girl, her profit is around $1,000 per month or $250 per week. If you round that out at 8 hours a day, trading 3 days at the market, and include another 8 hours to do all the things that need to be done to run the business, you have around 32 hours work. That means you make around $8 per hour!

The minimum basic wage for an employee would be twice that. Who in their right mind would pay $20,000 to do that? This of course, this is only if you take the 3X3 casual. I can’t imagine that anyone would take on a lease with the larger shop based on these figures.

I must also add that the figures did not include outgoings, insurances, car, phone or office expenses and other costs that would be usual in running a business so I do believe that the profit was exaggerated.

So, if this is the baby of Ann Meyers and Jamie Murdoch; with all of that management advantage, market research, the questionnaires, positive/professional attitude, retail experience, expertise and grand visions for everyone – then let the proof be in their puddings.

On another note though, I will add, that a potential buyer contacted Jamie Murdoch and enquired about the 5 year lease and also asked for information about the 3 month trial. The request was ignored. An EOI was sent instead. A second request to see a copy of the lease was also ignored.

Yes, you get to buy the coffee shop but you are only given a 3 month trial – and then… (???)

If this is the outcome for the ‘favoured one’ then what hope does anyone have?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anybody here seen my old friend Jill
Can you tell me where she's gone
Her and old John were good to me
but the young guns drove them out.
I looked around and she was gone

9:29 AM  
Blogger Editor said...

Anybody here seen my old friend John?
Can you tell me where he's gone?
He sneered a lot of people,
But it seems he’s among the missing.
I just looked around and he's gone.

Anybody here seen my old friend Sophie?
Can you tell me where she's gone?
She started as the favourite,
But it seems she’s been shafted.
I just looked around and she's gone.

Has anybody here seen all the other people?
Can you tell me where they’ve gone?
They've lost a lot of people,
but it seems they eat their young
I just looked around and they are gone.

9:41 AM  
Blogger Editor said...

Anybody here seen my old friend Pettitt?
Can you tell me where he's gone?
He swore he'd serve the people,
But it seems he’s just too young
I just looked around and he's gone.

9:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Anne Meyer declared that "we don't want locals in here anymore, they're troublemakers" she showed how much FMPL had lost control of their own staff and business. This woman was a disaster from day one. The only business she ever looked to "develop" was her daughters. John and Jamie hide behind Anne's rather thick hide because they are so gutless they can't look anyone in the eye. Anne Meyer is a fraud with no business experience or useable ideas and everyone knows it! Let's face it, she thought that Punch and Judy was going to be a winner. It's scary that peoples livelihood's depend on such incompetence.

12:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought Business development Manager meant you develop businesses, but instead of developing the already successful coffee bean business at the markets, and asking them to make coffee with their fine produce, she in her wisdom thought her daughter could do a better job. sorry the survey must of said we need another coffee vendor. then theres the lavender shop(never seen a customer in there), but the stallholder who was stocking that product already was asked to remove it from the shelves. doing a great job ann, can you let me know when the market hours are changing again.

1:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, it has worked for Anne Myers. Her daughter has been the first successful casual occupant to sell her piece of ground (for a decent sum for a 1 year go), and all without initially paying a cent for it?

Also, there are stories going around that some favored people are paying less rent for some similar areas? Is everyone paying the same rent for the same type of space, and if not, why not?

The Murdoch's are frequently commenting to the press, how much money they are spending from their own company on renovating the markets. This would be a worthwhile figure for the public to know? I believe it is in their head lease to spend a certain amount per year or so (not a very large figure), for the amount of income they can receive if the markets are run efficiently. Are the Murdoch's saying they are spending above and beyond this conditional amount stated in the head lease?

The Fremantle Market landlords could be more informative in regards to this public asset, in just how much of 'THEIR MONEY' they are spending on the new renovation projects? Is it more than they are being asked to spend in the Council's head lease?

There is going to be a lot of work done on the markets with different money sources. The edges of, where work begins, and ends could easily get blurred.

"The Herald" article said "The Fremantle Council is looking to spend more than $4 million on the Fremantle Markets, of which $540,000 has been set aside this year." Which money is being spent where, and how can one know if the work being done is from Council's money, or the Murdoch's money or the National Trust's money?

Could there be clarity of how much and who's money it is, when the proposed work is being carried out. The public would like to know the source and amounts, so as not to be bamboozled or led up the garden path as to who's money is being spent?

5:31 PM  
Blogger Mrs.Irene Query said...


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9:30 PM  

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