Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I won’t focus on cancer - I am not at war

When I told my sister that I had cancelled everything she tried to play ‘Devils Advocate’ for a while. She asked a lot of questions and followed my line of thinking. The biggest question was “Could I walk away and put it behind me or would I live in fear of having a potential time bomb hiding inside me?” She said she would be willing to go and get the results of the CAT scan just in case there was something serious that I might need to know about. “No! I feel great, I have no symptoms of anything and I am no longer willing to have my focus on illness.

From now on everything is about healing and wellness. I might have cancer cells or clogged arteries or anything for that matter, but I don’t need to buy into the idea that I am going to die. I could also die from any number of things long before those cells become life threatening.” She sighed and admitted that she dreaded our next appointment and had also felt that the treatment was as scary as the disease. When she was certain that I had thought it all through thoroughly, and that I was clear and confident in my decision, she agreed that she had also felt it was the right way to go.

Something created cancer in my body. Everyone seems to have a theory about what that is and yet they all concede that they are really not sure at all. I have simply concluded that my body is out of balance and the only cure is to do all I can to detoxify and rejuvenate it. Cutting, cooking and poisoning it will not do anything other than weaken and harm me.

There are so many unanswered or contradictory questions and answers:
Is the tumour the cancer?
Radiation can destroy tumours but does it destroy cancer? If so, then why do so many people die when their tests show no tumours and no cancerous cells?
How long does it take for pre cancerous cells to become tumours and does that mean that they always metastasise?
Isn’t it true that many people die with cancer but not from cancer?
Don’t most people have cancerous cells, at some point in their lives? (Don’t these cells die off on their own accord?)
Is cancer a disease or a symptom of something? Is it possible that cancer might even be an immune response to some other problem?
If cancer is caused by carcinogenic substances then why are some people unaffected by those same carcinogens.
Why was cancer so rare 100 years ago and so common now? (Surely we have not changed genetically to this degree)
Why is cancer still so rare in many other countries and yet so common in the more affluent countries.
Why do people who smoke, eat badly and endure extreme stress manage to avoid cancer?
If estrogens promote cancer then why is it that breast cancer is more common in menopausal women? (When oestrogen level is low)
If radiation is relatively safe and highly effective at destroying pre cancerous cells, then why not radiate all people over 50yrs as a preventative measure?
Isn’t it true that some of the treatments are known to increase cancer risks?
Is there such a thing as a cancer cure or are we only aiming for a possible 5 year remission.
Isn’t it logical that whatever created the cancer originally will continue to create new cancers if the cause is not identified and addressed?
If things like smoking and asbestos are so carcinogenic then why do they take 30 or more years to activate?
Is cancer really the big killer that we believe it to be – can we outlive cancer? Should we try?

There are just as many questions and contradictions in the alternative modalities. There are many therapies claiming to cure cancer, but not much hard fact and certainly no 100% guarantees. A strict diet, herbs, vitamins, minerals, anti oxidants, oxygen therapy, spiritual rituals, fasting, magical waters and potions, psychic surgeons, faith healers, and on and on it goes. Many of the people behind these therapies really believe they have the answer and many do have good results in many cases. Many have a book or a product or a service to sell – how reliable are their facts or promises? Many do not work and none appear to work for all of the people, all of the time.

It’s interesting that many people refer to, “The war on cancer” or “Battling cancer”. Like all wars, this battle also involves collateral damage and possible defeat, when approached with destructive aggression. I refuse to declare war on my body. I think that drugs, surgery and radiation can remove or destroy cancer cells but they all potentially compromise or destroy overall health. I am certain that no one has statistics to show how many of the cancer survivors died from cancer related therapies. “Oh, isn’t that ironic, she beat cancer and then died from stroke!”

Another big discrepancy about cancer survivors is that many of them probably didn’t have cancerous cells to begin with. I think I would be in this category myself. I believe that I picked up my cancer very early and that the lumpectomy completely removed it. If I had gone ahead with the other therapies, and lived for five years, then I would be classified as a success. How can the treatment be successful if I didn’t have any cells to begin with? Wouldn’t it be truer to say that I was a cancer survivor in spite of the treatment?

I am not suggesting that I am right. I might very well be making the biggest gamble of my life. I am not presenting any of this as solid fact. There are no facts and no complete truth; everyone’s situation is different, our physiology and our psychology are unique. Much will be decided by our will to live, our general health, the influence and intervention of others, the X factor and possibly luck or karma.

I have decided that I won’t focus on cancer and I am not at war. I am going in from the opposite angle and doing all I can to eliminate the unknown cause. I think there are many causes of cancer; it’s probably a combination of a number of things so I am taking a holistic view. I am looking at cancer as the messenger and it is letting me know that my body is now in crisis. I believe that there are psychological, environmental, diet and lifestyle influences. These things need to be simplified and balanced. I need to create a strong, healthy, energized body, because ultimately, it will be my body which will protect and save itself. Where to start…?

Sonya Green



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